Sunday, October 18, 2009

New England "Mountain" Cimbing

Yesterday we took a family trek up Mount Watatic. It is a 1,832 foot peak at the southern end of the Wapack range on the MA/NH border. I've been excited to do some backpacking next spring and have been getting some of my gear together so this was a good hike to do some testing (we boiled some water on the butane stove at the summit for hot chocolate and filtered some water using a new filter from a mountain stream on the way back down). It was a steep climb on a cold day but we were rewarded with splendid views and a nice break spent sitting in a grassy area we found just short of the peak. Roxy also has a backpack and it was her first time using it--it didn't slow her down at all!

The only wildlife not scared away by Roxy
At the summit
Making the hot chocolate to warm back up
Ah, life is good

1 comment:

  1. THAT's the kind of NEW ENGLAND I WANT to see if I ever get a chance to do it. 1800 ft THERE is like 8000 ft here........ MAC would have had a fabulous time. A backpack for that tiny little Roxie? Wow. Maybe someday we'll get to see New England (after they legalize us in Maine, eh?)
