Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rev. Liz, ad gradum Divinitatis Magistri

Yes it's true, when my wife preaches to me I have to listen to her now. On Thursday, June 4th Liz earned her Master of Divinity (M. Div.) and today, Saturday, June 6th she was ordained as a minister of the word and sacrament in the Presbyterian Church, USA. She will go on to begin a position as co-paster at the First Presbyterian Church of Waltham, MA beginning in early July.

The graduation ceremony was held at the Harvard Memorial Church and was followed by a very nice luncheon on the lawn at Andover Hall. The ordination was held at Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church where Liz worked during her third year of divinity school. We had many friends and family at both events and enjoyed getting the chance to celebrate with them all. Here are some pictures of the events.


Dean Graham awarding Liz her degree

Angels Mariah and Liz (see them featured also in the Boston Herald)
Michael, Leanne, Mariah, Anna, Liz and Rob


Liz doing her first communion

Augustus, Ann, Rob, Liz, Karl, Dudley and Burns
Ann from Presbytary of the Cascades
Rob, Liz's new co-pastor

Congratulations Liz !!!


  1. Enjoyed the pictures. Wish we could have been there. What an awesome accomplishment! Hugs to you both. Sending hugs, Aunt Carroll

  2. WHAT a THRILL to read this.......and then FIND Liz' own blog. We're just barely catching up, so LATE to congratulate people...............but congrats to both! (Jason. Liz preaches at you? I want to take that class at Harvard on preaching at spouses).
